IT'S BEAUTIFUL!! Come down and see why Forbes Magazine called us a "creative hub like no other". We are open Tuesday through Saturday 12:00 to 5:00 pm. While you're here, take a look at our fabulous artwork - outside or in our office/gallery. And please visit our manager Malissa Kelsey, who is located in the Quonset Hut office. Just head in there - they'd be happy to direct you to Malissa. Please follow us and tag us on IG with your pics!
Named in memory of Nels Guzman, a street painter and dear friend, it has also been leased to Macon Classics. They are an incredible resource for classic car enthusiasts.
Come check out the incredible street art. NELS, ILDES, CLASSY, BUCKETHEAD, LETTRS and most recently, RIMES! We also have a large Nicole Mercado piece, painted a part of Macon Arts Alliances annual "Macon Mural Festival".